A single-issue polygraph technique developed and advocated by James Matte which extends the method devised by Cleve Backster. This technique has four “tracks:” primary track, secondary track, inside track, and outside track. The primary and secondary tracks consist of pairings of two relevant questions with two non-current exclusive probable-lie comparison questions. The inside track contains two questions, one relating to the examinee’s concern about a false positive error, and the other regarding the examinee’s hope for a false negative error. Independent research has to date failed to support the construct of the inside track (See: Nelson & Cushman, 2011). The questions used in the outside track share some similarities with questions historically referred to as symptomatic questions. A 7-position scoring system is used for analysis. For a full explanation, see: Matte (1996). Formerly known as the Quadri-Zone Technique.