- a posteriori
- a priori
- acetylcholine (ACh)
- acquaintance test
- activity monitor
- Adrenalin
- adrenergic
- afferent nerves
- Air Force Modified General Question Test (AFMGQT)
- alarm reaction
- algorithm
- all-or-none law
- allostasis
- alpha
- American Association of Police Polygraphists (AAPP)
- American Polygraph Association (APA)
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- anacrotic limb
- analog study
- analysis spot
- anecdote
- anti-countermeasures
- anticlimax dampening concept
- aorta
- apnea
- Army Modified General Question Test (Army MGQT)
- arousal
- arousal theory
- arrhythmia
- Arther technique
- attention
- autogenic training
- automatic mode
- autonomic nervous system (ANS)
- Axciton
- axon
- Backster, Cleve
- base rate
- baseline arousal
- behavior countermeasures
- behavioral analysis
- Benussi, Vittorio
- Berkeley psychograph (or Lee Polygraph)
- beta blocker
- bias
- biofeedback
- biphasic response
- bizone
- black zone
- blind chart analysis
- blind stimulation test
- blocking
- blood pressure
- blood volume (BV)
- bogus pipeline (BPL)
- bootstrapping
- brachial artery
- bradycardia
- bradypnea
- brain stem
- breakdown (or breakout) test
- breathing
- Brilograf
- British One-issue Screening Test (BOST)
- Calibration Verification of Sensitivity Test (CVOS)
- card test
- cardio-pneumo-psychograph
- cardioactivity monitor (CAM)
- cardiograph
- cardiosphygmograph
- cardiotachometer
- catacrotic limb
- category bar
- central nervous system (CNS)
- chart
- chart identification
- chart markings
- chemical countermeasures
- Cheyne-Stokes respiration
- chi-square test (2)
- cholinergic
- classical conditioning
- clearing chart
- clinical approach
- closed-eyes technique
- community safety examinations
- comparative response question
- comparison question
- Comparison Question Technique (CQT)
- comparison/control question validation test
- Computer Assisted Polygraph System CAPS
- Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA)
- Concealed Information Test (CIT)
- conditional probabilities
- conditioned response theory
- conductance
- confabulation
- confession criterion
- confirmatory testing
- conflict theory
- conspecnificance
- constant current method
- constant voltage method
- containment approach
- control group
- control question
- control test
- correlation
- cortisol
- counter-countermeasures
- Counterintelligence-Scope Polygraph (CSP)
- countermeasures
- craniosacral division of autonomic nervous system
- credibility assessment
- critical item
- current exclusive comparison question
- Daubert v Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- deception
- deception exemplar
- Deception Indicated (DI)
- deception test
- decision rule
- defensible dozen
- degrees of freedom (df)
- delayed answer test (DAT)
- dendrite
- Department of Defense Polygraph Institute (DoDPI)
- dependent variable
- devil’s finger
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition
- diastole
- diastolic blood pressure
- dichotomization theory
- dichotomous variables
- dicrotic notch
- differential responsivity (reactivity)
- differential salience
- Directed Lie Screening Test (DLST)
- directed-lie comparison (DLC) question
- disclosure examination
- discontinuous blood pressure method
- discovery test
- discriminant analysis
- disguised comparison question
- dissociation
- domestic violence offender testing
- double verification test
- dyspnea
- Easterbrook (1959).
- eccrine glands
- efferent nerves
- Either-Or Rule
- electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG)
- electrodermal activity (EDA)
- electrodermal response (EDR)
- electroencephalogram (EEG)
- electromyograph (EMG)
- electrooculograph (EOG)
- embarrassing personal question (EPQ)
- emotional standard
- empirical
- Empirical Scoring System
- Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 (EPPA)
- endosomatic
- epinephrine
- error-related negativity (ERN)
- eupnea
- event marker
- event-related potentials (ERPs)
- evidence-connecting question
- evidence-connecting question
- evidentiary examination
- evoked cortical potentials
- ex parte phenomenon
- examination
- exclusive (exclusionary) comparison question
- exculpatory examination
- exosomatic
- experimental group
- exploratory test
- extrapolygraphic
- extrasystolic beat (ESB)
- F3
- false key
- false negative
- false positive
- fear of detection model
- fear of error
- feature
- field research
- fight, flight, freeze
- finger of death
- finger pulse amplitude (FPA)
- Fleiss’ kappa
- foil
- forensic psychophysiological detection of deception examination
- forensic psychophysiologist
- forensic psychophysiology
- format
- frame of reference
- functional Magnetic Resonance Image (fMRI)
- Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
- imagery
- impedance cardiogram (ICG)
- Inbau, Fred
- incisura
- inclusive (inclusionary, non-exclusionary) comparison question
- Incomplete
- Inconclusive
- indefinite
- independent variable
- information gain
- innervation
- inside track
- inside-issue comparison question
- inside-issue relevant question
- inspiration (inhalation) / expiration (exhalation) ratio (I/E ratio)
- instant offense examination
- Integrated Zone Comparison Technique
- integument
- intent question
- inter-chart stimulation
- interbeat interval (IBI)
- Introduction
- introductory test
- investigative examination
- irrelevant question
- labile
- laboratory research
- Lafayette Instrument Company
- Larson, John
- latency
- Law Enforcement Pre-Employment Test (LEPET)
- law of initial values (LIV)
- law of intensity
- Layered Voice Analysis (LVA)
- lens model
- lie detector
- likelihood ratio
- Limestone Technologies
- Lombroso, Cesare
- Luria, Aleksandr
- Lykken scoring
- Lykken, David T.
- maintenance examination
- manual mode
- Marey, Étienne-Jules
- Marston, William
- mean blood pressure
- medulla oblongata
- mental countermeasure
- microtremor
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
- mixed issue test
- Mixed Question Test
- model policy
- Modified Relevant Irrelevant (MRI) technique
- monitoring examination
- Monte Carlo method
- Mosso, Angelo
- motor nerves
- movement sensor
- multiple-facet test
- multiple-issue examination
- Münsterberg , Hugo
- National Center for Credibility Assessment
- nervous system
- neuron
- neurotransmitter
- neutral question
- No Deception Indicated (NDI)
- No Opinion
- No Significant Physiological Responses (NSPR or NSR)
- non-current exclusive comparison question
- non-exclusive (inclusive or inclusionary) comparison question
- non-specific responses
- noradrenaline
- norm
- numerical analysis
- numerical chart analysis
- P300
- padding
- pain countermeasure
- paradigm
- parameter
- parasympathetic nervous system
- parasympathomimetic
- Pathometer
- Peak of Tension (POT)
- Pearson product-moment correlation
- peripheral nervous system
- pertinent question
- phalanx
- pharmacological countermeasures
- phasic response
- photoplethysmograph (PPG)
- photopolygraph
- physical countermeasures
- Pinocchio response
- place bar
- placebo
- plethysmograph
- pneumograph
- polygram
- polygraph
- polygraph surveillance
- positive comparison question
- positive control pair
- Positive Control Technique
- post hoc
- Post-Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT)
- posttest
- pre-ejection period (PEP)
- Preliminary Credibility Assessment Screening System (PCASS)
- premature ventricle contraction (PVC)
- pretest interview
- primary track
- probability
- probable-lie comparison question (PLC)
- Probing Peak of Tension
- pseudorelevant question
- Psychogalvanic Reflex (PGR)
- psychograph
- psychological set
- Psychological Stress Evaluator (PSE)
- psychopath
- psychophysiological detection of deception (PDD)
- pulse pressure
- pulse transit time (PTT)
- punishment theory
- pupillary response
- Purposeful Non-Cooperation (PNC)
- R-wave peak to carotid incisura (RWPCI)
- radial artery
- random assignment
- random selection
- rank order analysis
- rationalization
- reaction tracing
- Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC)
- recognition test
- recovery half-time
- recovery time
- red zone
- regression analysis
- Reid, John
- Relevant Issue Gravity (RIG)
- relevant question
- Relevant/Irrelevant (RI) Technique
- reliability
- relief tracing
- resistance
- respiration line length (RLL)
- respiratory amplitude
- respiratory blood pressure fluctuations (RBPF)
- respiratory cycle time (RCT)
- respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA)
- response onset window
- rise time
- S-K-Y
- sacrifice relevant question
- salience
- scientific cradle
- screening examination
- Searching (or Probing) Peak of Tension (SPOT)
- secondary track
- sensitivity
- sensory nerves
- Senter Rules
- serrated breathing pattern
- sexual history examination
- sexual offender monitoring
- signal detection theory (SDT)
- signal value
- Significant Physiological Responses (SPR or SR)
- silent answer test (SAT)
- Silent Talker
- single-issue examination
- situational comparison question
- skin conductance (SC)
- skin conductance level (SCL)
- skin conductance response (SCR)
- skin potential (SP)
- skin potential level (SPL)
- skin potential response (SPR):
- skin resistance (SR)
- skin resistance level (SRL)
- skin resistance response (SRR)
- smoked drum recording
- smooth muscles
- Spearman Rank Correlation
- specific issue polygraph examination
- specific point countermeasures
- specificity
- sphygmograph
- sphygmomanometer
- spontaneous countermeasures
- spontaneous response
- spot
- spot analysis
- spot responder
- stabile
- staircase respiration
- standard deviation
- statistical significance
- stim marker
- stimulation test
- Stoelting Instruments
- straight-through test (ST)
- strain gauge
- striated muscles
- stroke volume (SV)
- strong relevant question
- subjective lie/truth question
- successive hurdles approach
- Summers, Walter
- super-dampening concept
- suppression
- surreptitious breathing tracing
- sympathetic chain
- sympathetic nervous system
- sympathomimetic
- symptomatic question
- synapse
- systole
- systolic blood pressure
- T test
- tachycardia
- tachypnea
- technique
- test
- test data analysis (TDA)
- Test for Espionage and Sabotage (TES).
- thenar eminence
- thermal imaging
- thoraco-lumbar division of autonomic nervous system
- thumb transducer
- time bar
- tonic change
- tonic level
- tonic response
- total chart minutes concept (TCMC)
- tracing average
- tracing distortion
- track
- transducer
- Traube-Hering-Mayer (THM) wave
- tremograph
- true negative
- true positive
- two-stage rules
- type I error
- type II error